Huntu 170 sm

Huntu 170 sm  S102

Yksikerroksinen hunnu, jossa hieno pitsireuna. Vaikuttava ja maaginen muotoilu lumoavaan ulkonäköön. Tyyppi: Timanttitylli (Tylli standardi), pituus 170 cm. Yläreuna on koristeltu käsin kiinnitetyillä lasihelmillä. Hunnu toimitetaan kampa jo kiinnitettynä. Huolellisesti suunniteltu ja valmistettu EU:n sisällä omissa tuotantolaitoksissamme.

Mahdollista tilata 60, 90, 100, 150, 170, 200, 220, 300 sm

Kysyy hinta
Vuokra 50.-
Single layered veil with fine lace edge. Impressive and magical design for a glamorous appearance. Tulle Type: Diamond Tulle (Tulle standard), length 170 cm. The top edge is decorated with hand-attached glass beads. The veil is delivered with the comb already attached. Carefully designed and manufactured within the EU in our in-house production facilities.
Possible to order 60, 90, 100, 150, 170, 200, 220, 300 sm
Contact for the price
Rent for 3 days 50.-


Bianco Evento huntu S102

Single layered veil with fine lace edge. Impressive and magical design for a glamorous appearance. Tulle Type: Diamond Tulle (Tulle standard), length 170 cm. The top edge is decorated with hand-attached glass beads. The veil is delivered with the comb already attached. Carefully designed and manufactured within the EU in our in-house production facilities.